Northern Territory politician’s way out Jolie rant

A NORTHERN Territory minister has come under fire on Facebook after bizarrely weighing in on Angelina Jolie's double mastectomy. Country Liberal Party member and MP for Katherine, Willem Rudolf Westra van Holthe sparked a flurry of angry Facebook responses after posting this on's Facebook page last night:
Mr Westra van Holthe was referring to a story in which Brad Pitt called his fiancee "heroic" and praised her decision to undergo the radical surgery after discovering she carried the breast cancer gene that killed her mother at 56.
Pitt was quoted saying: "Having witnessed this decision firsthand, I find Angie's choice, as well as so many others like her, absolutely heroic. I thank our medical team for their care and focus.
The press are a little
overenthusiastic in handing out hero labels to celebrities be it Hollywood
stars or gay sportsmen, but at least it saves them from the dilemma presented
in finding them in the ranks of the great unwashed. On the other hand in this case it is somewhat churlish to
Jolie essentially carried
out a preemptive action to prevent the high risk she carried of contracting
breast cancer. While this was
probably a difficult and emotional decision to make, it was probably the most
sensible one available to her. A
great many women with breast cancer though have difficulty in coping with
radical surgery despite the almost certainty of death otherwise.
Her action in announcing
her action to the public will give many women encouragement to do what is
needed in that situation and may save many lives in the long run. She deserves to be congratulated on
that, not hauled over the coals or have her contribution to women’s health
belittled as has happened here.
We wish her well.
(Ed note): Mr van Holthe’s
image (above) was taken after a fight in a pub.
What a waste of perfectly good tits.