Wind Power Sucks Subsidies Instead of Turning Turbines
Media Statement by Viv Forbes
Chairman, The Carbon Sense Coalition.
The Carbon Sense Coalition
today called on the Australian federal government and the opposition to abolish
all renewable energy targets, certificates and subsidies.
The Chairman of Carbon
Sense, Mr Viv Forbes, said that it was time for those who worship wind turbines
to pay their full cost, and not force other electricity consumers and tax
payers to pay for a costly, unreliable and obsolete method of generating
“Wind power has been around since Don Quixote and it belongs
in an industrial museum not in a modern economy.
“For too much of the time, the wind just sucks subsidies when
it should be turning turbines.
“The 20% renewable energy target is unachievable without
perpetual government mandates and subsidies and should be abolished.”
Green worshippers tell us
“The wind is free.” But wind power is not free. All natural energy resources
such as coal, wind and sun appear “free” – no one has to incur costs to create
them. But turning a “free” resource into usable electricity costs money for
collecting, generating and distributing that energy. To consumers and taxpayers,
the real cost of wind power is very high, no matter how well it is hidden by

Reproduction by permission of the author.
Wind power is not reliable.
No one can make the wind blow when the energy is needed – in fact, wind farms
produce, on average, less than 30% of their nameplate capacity, often at times
of low demand and low electricity prices. Not one conventional power plant has
been replaced by wind – the old reliables stay there, incurring maintenance costs,
because they are still needed as backup for the many times when there is zero
wind power. In cold still weather, wind turbines actually consume power from
the grid to keep them from freezing up – they are better at harvesting
subsidies than harvesting wind. This unpredictable waxing and waning of the
wind also increases the chances of sudden brownouts and surges on electricity
Wind power harms the
environment. Because of the large area of land needed to collect low-density
wind energy, wind power requires more land-clearing, needs more transmission
lines, kills more wildlife, lights more bushfires and uglifies more landscape
per unit of electricity than conventional power. And the sub-sonic whine of the
turbines drives neighbours batty and devalues local properties.
Like hydro-power, wind
power is limited, with few suitable sites. And every wind turbine slows the
wind, thus reducing the wind energy available to any downwind turbines. It is
“renewable” but it is not unlimited.
Wind power is justified by
claims that it reduces emissions and thus reduces global warming. However, when
all the steel, concrete, construction, roads, transmission lines, backup,
maintenance, replacement and rehabilitation are taken into account, wind power
contributes nothing to reducing emissions or changing global climate.
However wind turbines DO
change the local weather. Wind is the major component of weather. Winds bring
moisture to the inland, dilute and clear pollution from the cities, and change
air temperatures everywhere. Wind towers rob the wind of its energy, affecting
local wind speeds and changing local weather patterns, and the more there are,
the greater the effect.
Wind power is an expensive,
intermittent and limited energy source that degrades the environment, kills
birds, but does nothing to improve global climate.
There should be no special
subsidies, tax breaks, market mandates or regulations for any energy technology
– all should compete on an equal basis and all consumers should be free to
choose their supplier.
Wind energy should be paid
for by those who want it, not by captive taxpayers or electricity consumers.
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