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This site may, in fact always will contain images and information likely to cause consternation, conniptions, distress, along with moderate to severe bedwetting among statists, wimps, wusses, politicians, lefties, green fascists, and creatures of the state who can't bear the thought of anything that disagrees with their jaded view of the world.

Aug 20, 2011

Coldest Period of the last 10,000 years & Convoy news>

Thank goodness for the modern warming era.

From, Viv Forbes, Chairman,
The Carbon Sense Coalition.

"We live in the coldest period of the last 10.000 years," says glaciologist, Jørgen Peder Steffensen who takes us back in time to the Greenland ice cores and reveals the secrets from the past:

Viv also draws our attention to a poll being run by the Canberra Times on support for the Convoys of No Confidence. This is interesting, as they editorialized against them yesterday. The results currently are:
Yes, I support their concerns and how they are bringing them to Government's attention: 56.1%
Yes, public protest is a right in a democracy but they should try to minimise their impact on Canberrans: 19.4%
No, I disagree with their views and how they are expressing them: 24.5%
As the organizers have bent over backwards to cooperate with the authorities to avoid disruption, this can be assumed to mean that 75.5% support, and 24.5% against. This is a great result, given that it is taken in the area most affected by the convoys. People from provincial areas are smart enough to know that you don’t gain influence by making a nuisance of yourself.

Convoys of no confidence: News #2.

There is not a great deal of news at present on the convoys other than towns making preparations for their arrival. Just a couple of items:

Win News report on Convoy 2.

An update from Convoy one, via “Stop Gillards Carbon Tax:”

Reader Kate reports on the progress of the Convoy of No Confidence, on its way to Canberra from 11 parts of Australia:
We have just had a message from our son who is co-driving a truck from Charters Towers to Canberra.

On their way through Clermont this morning the convoy were presented with a donation of $13,000.00 to help with the cost of fuel!! Now that is passing the hat around, particularly for a town of less than 2000 people.
Barnaby Joyce has made a statement of support:
I would like to offer my support to those travelling to Canberra for the convoy of no confidence rally next week. I hope everyone takes their time and has a safe trip.

The Australian people everywhere you go are starting to have one retort and it is this – can you please get rid of them?

Whether it’s the secretary at the doctor’s surgery, the taxi driver, the lady behind the till, or the person standing next to you in the queue, they are no longer surprised by just how totally and utterly incompetent the government is.

The convoy of no confidence is the inevitable consequence of a population that is just sick to the back teeth on what is happening to their country.

They are not nasty, they just want them gone. These people are a mere expression of what the majority are feeling. They are regular truck drivers, regular people who are making a political point. They are driving to Canberra to ask the government to do the decent thing and go to an election. It is like when a relationship breaks down and now the Australian people are saying they want out, or more to the point they want the government out. …

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