Carbon Fools Day.
By Viv Forbes
The Carbon Sense Coalition
Australian Senate passes
Carbon Tax Bill - Nov 8 2011.
- a
date that will be remembered as Carbon Fools Day.

Just a year ago, Australia joined the ranks of
Carbon Fools by passing the Carbon Tax Bill (actually 18 separate bills called
the “Clean Energy Bills”.) Now the same fools who introduced it are among the
front rank of volunteers for carbon suicide by trumpeting their intention to
sign Kyoto 2.
Barack Obama and Julia Gillard are founding members
of the Carbon Fools Club, and have learned tricks from one another on how to
betray the electorate without getting punished.
Before the election Gillard said “There will be no carbon tax under the government I
lead”. Her Treasurer confirmed the promise. After the election, she changed
her mind and introduced it. Now she is proceeding to bribe enough of the
electorate into acceptance of the betrayal.
In America, there was little if any mention of a
carbon tax by Obama during the election campaign. But before the celebratory
election victory hangovers were gone, the headlines read “Obama May Levy Carbon Tax to Cut U.S. Deficit”.
No more green flummery about saving the planet – just the truth –
“we need the money”.
We face troubling times, and the next year will be
Obama cannot stand for re-election, and the
Democrats will probably lose the next presidential election. So they have four
years to introduce their green utopia in such a way that no future
administration will dare to undo the mess. In Australia, the Green/Labor
coalition may not survive the next election either, so they too have an urgent
need to cement their anti-industry, anti-mining, anti-farming, anti-fishing,
green energy and carbon-tax agenda in just 12 months.
The American election shows us there is no
guarantee that Gillard will lose the next election. And the green-ants within
the Coalition may undermine Tony Abbott’s promise to abolish the carbon tax.
Naturally there will also be a claque of vested interests opposing the loss of
their green feather beds, and they will be supported fully by the ABC in
Australia (just as the BBC supports climatism and those who benefit from it in
the UK). So there is a big battle ahead for Australia and the US.
More Reading:
There will be no Carbon Tax in Australia:
There will be a Carbon Tax in Australia:
We need a Carbon Tax in America:
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