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This site may, in fact always will contain images and information likely to cause consternation, conniptions, distress, along with moderate to severe bedwetting among statists, wimps, wusses, politicians, lefties, green fascists, and creatures of the state who can't bear the thought of anything that disagrees with their jaded view of the world.

Aug 2, 2008

12th PA, Russell is back.

Since my Bill Russell post the other day the Russell Brigade, the campaign organization carrying on his candidacy during his absence on active service, has contacted me with the following information: -

In August of 2007, the U.S. Marines acquitted Lance Corporal Justin Sharratt of charges that he joined in the killing of innocent civilians while responding to a terrorist roadside bomb attack in Haditha, Iraq. Sharratt was one of eight Marines accused by Congressman Jack Murtha of committing “cold blooded murder” against innocent civilians.

To date, seven of the eight have been cleared of all charges. Despite mounting public pressure, Congressman Murtha has refused to apologize or retract statements made during a widely publicized media tour against the so-called “Haditha Marines.”

Speaking for the Marines, Lt. General James Mattis told Justin, “With the dismissal of these charges, you may fairly conclude that you did your best to live up to the standards … In the face of life or death decisions made by you in a matter of seconds in combat.”

Today, Justin’s dad Darryl speaks out in this exclusive web video to defend his son’s honor, and the sacrifice of America’s fighting men and women.

The horrible irony of this situation is that Murtha in betraying this group for political advantage he also accused a marine from the district he is supposed to represent, Justin Sharratt is from the 12th district.

Russell is now back on the campaign according to the site: -

Just past midnight Friday, the Republican congressional candidate literally roared into his first campaign event in three months, driving his motorcycle into the center of Uniontown with the help of the military veterans biker group “Rolling Thunder.”

After shaking hands with many of the 40 supporters gathered to greet him, Russell wasted little time taking aim at his opponent, U.S. Rep. John Murtha (D-Johnstown). In a prepared 15-minute speech, the candidate said Murtha’s 30-year tenure in Washington had warped his values and put him “out of touch” with the 12th Congressional District.

“Americans throughout this district, and indeed throughout this nation, have joined me in saying that we want our country back from career Washington politicians who have lost touch with people back home,” Russell said. “Liberty was born in Pennsylvania. Let us join together and give it a rebirth, today.”

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